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Product management

Product Data

Optimize the use of digital data in a data-driven approach to boost your performance.

We can help you to...

- Transform your data into customer knowledge
- Survey your customers to collect product feedback
- Have an overall view of performance
- Measure the return on investment of your tools
- Improve the performance of your digital devices
- Retain your customers by personalizing the relationship

Sustainable commitment

- Respect for your users and the legal framework associated with the GDPR
- Targeted communication logic, with added value
- Identification of key business and sustainable indicators

Product Manager
In the era of spam and excessive communication, it is important to respect the wishes of your users and focus on value-added actions.

Our Expertise


- Audit
- Co-creation workshop
- Benchmarking
- Data Mapping
- Quantitative study
- Qualitative study
- Customer segmentation
- Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)


- Tagging plan / Marking plan
- Customer segmentation
- Personalization roadmap
- Dashboards
- Web analytics analysis
- Quantitative study report
- Qualitative study report

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Let's talk about it !

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